Monday, November 23, 2009

I have a Family

I have a Family here on Earth. As I received the call about Dustie's son Cody yesterday my mind has been flooded with memories of my family and how quickly they can leave this earth.Cody is one of those special people who leaves his footprint's on your life. I remember so many times Cody and Ethan coming over to stack wood for me on the back porch when John couldn't do it.Cody always new me no matter where we were and always said Hi Aunt Debbie. He will be greatly missed by his family.I have pondered the word Family and Have thought about why we are so quick to judge our family members? And Iam not saying that I haven't done this because i have...I was taught as a little girl from my mother that Jesus loves everyone,than as I became older and joined the church it became easier to Love.But sometimes I find myself wanting to be the judge and the jury.
What is really a Family? I looked up family in the dictionary and this is what it said:

Family:A fundamental social group in society consisting of a man and woman and their offsring.2.A group of persons sharing a common ancestry.3.lineage.4.All the members of a household under one roof.5.A group of like things,A group of individuals derived from a common stock.

So this post is for me!! Heavenly Father has given me a Family on this earth not to judge but to love so I can have a family again in the next life.I know this is going to happen I just pray that I will be your mother there!!! I hope we can all love one another as he has loved us. I miss all of you and Love the great families you have. Have a great Thanksgiving... Love Mom


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Aunt Debbie. I know it was meant for you and your kids but I sure appreciate the message. Love you.

November 23, 2009 at 1:00 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Thanks. Sorry to hear about Dusty's boy. It is a pretty hard thing to lose a son. Love you.

November 23, 2009 at 2:49 PM  
Blogger The Wiltbank Bunch said...

It was sad to hear about Dustie's son. My heart goes out to them. I think we all go through phases where we judge a litle more than we should or are critical of things we shouldn't necessarily be critical of. I think the important part is keeping those thoughts to ourselves and not sharing them.....with anybody. If we only ever say nice things, then we don't have to eat the words later....however, it's not a perfect world and none of us are perfect, so until then we all have to learn to forgive each other's shortcomings. I just had the same conversation with my daughter recently and said, "just because you hear something doesn't mean it is worth repeating". I know I try to not say or do anything I think will hurt people, but I fail miserably sometimes. If we could see what was on people's hearts, maybe we wouldn't be so quick to judge, and like my good friend Deanna says, "quit typing stuff and just pick up the dang phone and call somebody so nobody goes reading between the lines!"

November 23, 2009 at 6:07 PM  

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